About Me

I am an independent producer, Becky Burdine of Health Plan Lady.

  • I often save our clients 30 to 50% or more on premiums.
  • I offer service during after and after plan enrollment.
  • I design “personalized” plans that fit your needs.
  • My goal is 10 out of 10 on customer satisfaction.
  • I have a unique approach and value your time.
  • I am a fully independent Health Insurance agent.
  • I can write plans for any company we wish.

I have been happily married to my husband Bill for 26 yrs. We have 3 Tennessee Walkers, 2 Fox Trotter horses and enjoy riding and outdoors. We have 5 grown children and 7 GRANDkids.


Health Insurance All Ages

Get insurance that provides valuable coverage for your medical expenses.

Solutions For Individuals, Families, Self Employed, and Small Groups

Life Insurance

Choose a plan that provides security for your family. It can also provide a great tax-free income and long-term-care protection.

Our Different Approach to Health Insurance

Affordable Care Act Alternatives

Mandate opens great new doors to plans

The healthcare laws have changed and now you can take advantage of it. You can change plans 365 days a year without penalty.

Personalized Plans

Only choose the benefits that fit your situation and your needs

Why should I pay for anything I don’t want to have covered? Why should I pay for maternity when I am a male or over a certain age etc? These are real issues with most Americans.

True Provider Choice

See any doctor in the USA

The reported lie of the year for 2013 was “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.” With my plans you can actually see ANY doctor in the United States. Period!

My Passion

My Greatest Asset Is My Client

My success is earned based on my service to my client. My goal is to provide the best possible health plans while lightening the financial burdens health insurance can bring to individuals and families. I can lay my head on my pillow at night knowing that I did everything I was able to serve my client’s needs!

Expert Advice

Providing sound advise for your Health Insurance needs

I am independent agent that can represent any company we wish. This means finding the best plan, the best fit for your specific situation. I don’t offer a one size fits all plan. Many agents can only offer one company’s best plan. I can offer the best plan From all companies.
That is a huge benefit for you! I also don’t share your information with anyone. I can be your one stop guide. Be aware, almost all other websites share your information and you can get calls for years.

Huge Premium Savings Monthly

I cut premiums in half often

My clients save 30 to 50% consistently on their monthly premiums. If someone has COBRA it is often a much larger savings than 50%! It is not a benefit to save money on health insurance and offer poor quality healthcare. I offer lower rates and an open door to whatever healthcare someone desires.

3 keys to the best health insurance experience

Take advantage of the 3 keys to health insurance savings that almost no insurance plan offers.

  1. True pricing for services (known as price transparency)
  2. Powerful network that offers a discount off “chargemaster” bills.
  3. Insurance company pays a benefit to the client.


“Car Lot Madness”

Blog: Words From Team Leader Pat Davis

Why are your Medical Prices so low?

Keith Smith of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City is asked this question frequently. “The real question should be why are everyone else’s prices so high, says Keith?” […]
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Another Definition of Insanity

Einstein is attributed with the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. I can’t argue with that. I used to sort of […]
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Paying Too Much or Too Little?

Many people pay way too much for health insurance. Others pay too little. If you are paying a mortgage payment for your insurance, you are either paying too much or you […]
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Ask Yourself Why

Why do I still have the insurance I do if there are so much better options available to me? Why have I not called Pat’s team to see what they can do for […]
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It Should Anger You! FakeNews!

We hear a lot today about “fake news.” One thing that is fake that should infuriate you is the way medical services are billed. Why does a hospital bill get hyper inflated and […]
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Air Scam-bulance

One area of healthcare that is full of abuse is the use of air ambulances. Of course, not all are included in this, but the vast majority of them are. If fact, 80% of air ambulance usage is for “non-emergency”
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